People say I'm a siddity little rich girl because I like nice things. No! I just like the finer things in life. If I got it, why not flaunt it? There's a difference between being rich and having some money and knowing how to shop. Ignorance is bliss. Have you had your shot of "hate" this morning?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Am Sexually Frustrated!!!

I don't mean to put my business out here like this and I'm sure my boyfriend wouldn't like me to be doing this either, but to make a long story short-- I want sex!!! I'm no sex fiend or anything like that. Psh, I'm only gracing a mere three boys, but desperate times call for desperate measures. This lack of sexual activity is my fault, I'm doing this whole thing where I stay away from the pee pee for a year. I'm doing pretty good so far, it's been month and some days
=(. Ok ok, I have to focus and keep my mind on other things, school is important and I have tons of stuff to do for that. Ya know what the problem seems to be, everywhere I turn there is something sexual smack dab right in my face. Sex is everywhere these days. I can't even watch a children's cartoon without a freaking sponge and starfish trying to have sex with each other. For the love of god!!! But back to my frustrations. I don't know if this lack of sex is causing me to go blind in my left eye, and get this odd tingles down the side of my back, and these annoying little headaches that never go away!! And I'm so emotional, every time I feel like I miss my boyfriend, I want to start crying?? What the fuck is up with that mess?? Who ever knew that a 20 year old girl can want something soo bad that she's barely even experimented with!!! This mess is whacker then crack...

I know what most of you are saying. Which I will not elaborate on because this is a PG-13 blog. That doesn't do anything for me anymore, I want the REAL thing =). So I went to my good ol' friends at youtube and typed sexually frustrated into the search engine and this is what I got:???

Fair enough. So I tried again...

So its safe to say that I have nothing. Literally and figuratively. Tomorrow is another day, and so is the next day and the next and the next and one day I'm just gonna wake up and jizz on myself!! (Can girls jizz??) Goodnight lovelyss.

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