People say I'm a siddity little rich girl because I like nice things. No! I just like the finer things in life. If I got it, why not flaunt it? There's a difference between being rich and having some money and knowing how to shop. Ignorance is bliss. Have you had your shot of "hate" this morning?

Friday, February 27, 2009

Leaving...On a Jet Plane Don't Know When I'll Be Coming Back Again!?

Hello my lovelys. I can just warn you right off the back, I am doing soooo much better since the last time I stopped by for a post (which was like in 1993). So whats been happening since then?? Well I was totally wrong and I am in love with the man of my dreams!! And I got this really cool tattoo, look!!!:

It says "Stay Golden", meaning stay true to yourself, stay confindent!! But besides that, I've been doing my normal shopping here and there and guess what, guess what!!! I'm going back to MIAMI!!! Its been two years and I'm sure the tropical beaches and palm trees miss me.

So, I'm not really sure if this particular post has any specific topic. I feel like its going to be very random, but those are always the good ones. OMG, so much has been going on..I think I might like blow up from wanting to tell you all my great stories. So that last post I made, scratch that. He loves me, he really really loves me!! YAY ME!! And I am soooooo ready to get this thing poppin.

OH!! I know what I wanted to talk about!!! Chris Brown and Rhianna. I know, I know..I'm pretty late, but Rhi Rhi is my sister so I gotta R.E.S.P.E.C.T... I even dressed up for her on Halloween...Looksie!:

I know, I know, you had to do a double take. Psh, I almost fooled myself! But yea, Chris Brown should be slapped ten times back to Jamaica...He was wrong for beating the shit out of that girl. No matter what she did, or what she said, Rihanna is a little ol' thing and Chris Brown could have handled her in a professional manner. I have no respect for him anymore. It's such a shame because I will never support his music again. Fucking A Hole!!

But anywho, I am soooo happy I'm getting a vacay. It is much needed-- even though I def just came back in January..but TRUST, there was nothing relaxing about that mess. In all actuality I should of just stayed my ass in NYC and work if that were the case. But I'm excited, esp. to get a tan. OMG, I don't even remember what one of those look like.

So next time, I promise I'm gonna have something to actually talk about. I swear. But until next time my loves, Stay Fresh,Fly and oh so Fabulous!!

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