People say I'm a siddity little rich girl because I like nice things. No! I just like the finer things in life. If I got it, why not flaunt it? There's a difference between being rich and having some money and knowing how to shop. Ignorance is bliss. Have you had your shot of "hate" this morning?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Break Me Off, Show Me What Ya Got..I DON'T WANT NO 1 MINUTE MAN!!

This blog is coming straight from my big ol' heart. If I offended anything from the bluntness of this post then I do apologize in advance..Because it just might get a little graphic. I won't mention any names, but I'm sure those who are interested will know if they are being mentioned. Sex isn't like a huge thing for me. And I haven't had many sexual partners. To be honest, I'm still on one hand. But I was thinking today, and you know what grinds my gears!!!!??? A 1 minute man! OMG, I can honestly say there is only one person in my history of sexual activity that has rocked my fucking world!! But after that..Uhmmm, lets just say I would rather use my hand. In all actuality they don't only last a minute, but it's not hours and mins before they burst. And then lil' ol' me is stuck there like uhmm can I get a nutt?? I think it comes down to this: The ONE dude who has the trophy at this point is sooooo passionate. It wasn't JUST sex. It was like...oh my jesus! But anyway, not to go into too much detail. A guy does what he does and then like thats it. I usually get something like we're gonna go again, until you're satisfied. And yes, some have lived up to their word, while others are just uhmmmm. WHACK!!!! I know its hard. I mean I don't know, but I'm sure I have a feeling. Girls just sit there. They don't have to do much. Guys are sweating their little tushes off, really working hard and putting effort...and after I see like the work..I'm like boo for you. I don't think anybody can top MY top contender. He's something serious man!! And the worse thing ever,after a sexual activity the guy usually asks his rating or just assumes he was number one. Here's a hint, if I'm not moaning, or if my moans are off (meaning when you thrust I'm don't moan), chances are you suck balls. So overall, I'm sickened and annoyed by the lack of...uhmm well you know. BTW, while we're on the topic...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy these bad boys are outta my life. BOO for NYC Condoms. The "free" condom.

So yeaa, just a random thought. Tootz my loveeesss.

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