People say I'm a siddity little rich girl because I like nice things. No! I just like the finer things in life. If I got it, why not flaunt it? There's a difference between being rich and having some money and knowing how to shop. Ignorance is bliss. Have you had your shot of "hate" this morning?

Monday, April 27, 2009


I must admit. My past relationships have been whack. It always ends up with someone making me cry or making me want to poke their eyes out with a metal rod with rust growing out the end. But I learn from each and everyone of my relationships and I don't regret the past, because I can now go into a relationship and be aware of what SHOULDN'T happen. The warning signs that let me know I need to make a SERIOUS U-turn and get the hell outta dodge. So I've always had this conception of the "perfect" guy. Of course he hasn't made his presence known, but I still can hope and wish. So here it goes:

1. The first thing I notice on a man is his shoes. I don't notice his face, his smile..I notice what's on his feet. I'm always looking if your shoes are hot then I'm moving on up to your face. If your shoes are dusty..I don't even give you the time of day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE kicks, so you need to be on the same level as me. I've made that mistake in the past. Fuckin with someone who rocked like Nautica kicks. Pshh, since when does Nautica make shoes?? If your shoe game is on point...then I fucks with ya!!

2. After you pass the shoe test I move on up to the face. Teeth check. If your teeth are begging to get out your mouth, I throw up a little bit and keep it moving. And this is extremely difficult in NYC, cause EVERYBODY got jacked up teeth up in this bitch. Theres like some chemicals in the water that just fuck em all up. I want a nice smile. Pretty smile. Even if your teeth are slightly doing the cha cha at least make up for it with some toothpaste. A smile is worth a thousand words.

3. From the mouth I make it up to the head. Most dudes wear fitteds, so it's a little difficult to get this generalization on the first look. But a nappy head is NOT a good look. I don't care if you're growing your hair out or if you can't get squeezed in at the barber shop...Lint and cat hair and all that other nasty shit caked up in your hair is disgusting. Keep it clean. Give me a low fade or even some waves. Mini-fros?? HELL NO!!! Don't even try it.

4. So I'm all about being independent. But my dude is gonna have to have some sort of steady income. To be honest, I don't care what the fuck it is. If you wanna sell drugs, then so be it. I just don't wanna hear broke cries all the time. You need to be stuntin' just as hard as me. If not even harder (if you can keep up).

5. Family orientated!! You can always tell the way your man will treat you by the way he treats his mother. If you have brothers and sisters, be active in their life. I wanna know you and your mom just had like a BFF talk. Close knit family ties is soooo sexy, it shows me that you have a sensative side and you aren't ashamed to show it.

6. SEX. This is a broad topic because everyone has their own way of doing things. But lets just say I have been higly disappointed in the past. There is only ONE person that I can honestly say truly rocked my world!! All others were like ::yawwwwwnnn:: I wanna be able to enjoy it. I want it inside for hours and like never get tired...Man oh mann...ok ok moving on.

7. When I come home from work/school I want my dude to be waiting at home for me. To rub my crusty ass feet and ask how my day was. PURE PERFECTION!!!

8. Well since I'm talking about perfection..EYES EYES EYES. Ok, so it's cool if you have like pretty color eyes. Green, Hazel..etc. But you don't even need to have a pretty color for your eyes to be beautiful. Sometimes eyes can be really mysterious. And that is the BIGGEST turn on. It makes me wanna like just rape you!! Dark and mysterious..UGHHHHHHH!!!! weettttttt.

9. I love a thick built. I like to grab on to stuff. A strong neck is like yummmmaayy in my tummaayyy. Broad shoulders..a muscular back. JESUS CHRIST GIVE ME STRENGTH!!! Your face could look like butt booty juice, but turn around and have all of these aspects...OH MY GOD!!!! Whewww. It's getting a little hot in here.

10. Last but CERTAINLY not least, you need need need neeeeddd to have a personality. Strong sense of humor. I wanna laugh, I wanna cry because I'm laughing sooooo hard. Be able to hold an intelligent conversation on things that we both like (sneakers). Like be able to play around with me (respectfully) and have fun. Don't give a fuck what people are saying to under their breath. Make me go to sleep and have you be the first person I talk to in the morning so you could make my day...

So to put it in a nutshell, my dream man is...

siighhh come to me baby!!

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