People say I'm a siddity little rich girl because I like nice things. No! I just like the finer things in life. If I got it, why not flaunt it? There's a difference between being rich and having some money and knowing how to shop. Ignorance is bliss. Have you had your shot of "hate" this morning?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


1.My grandpa once: Sat in his room and played solitaire all day. Opps, you guys said once..not ALL the time. My b. Anywho, R.I.P. Sonny.
2.Never in my life have I: ate a cooch. and have NO intentions of doing so.
3. When I was younger, I: dressed like a man.
4.High school was: good and bad. but mostly bad. ehhh, who am i kidding?? i was hardly ever there.
5.When I'm nervous: i chew on my stubby nails like its a piece of orbit.
6.The last time I really cried was: the other day. shittt, i cry like every day. i'm one emotional sad pup.
7.If I were to get married right now: i would expect my man to get a job. no shots, just truth.
8.My hair is: nappy as a muthafucka right now. :(
9.My feet are: smelly. i've been wearing the same socks for the past three days ;)
10.When I was 5: i have NO clue what I was doing. probably getting blown around by hurricane andrew.
11.Last Christmas: was whack. i spent it with some crazy dominican dude and his voodoo spelling mother. YIKES
12.When I turn my head left: i get a kink in my neck
13.When I turn my head right: the kink goes away
14.My life is not complete without: pop-tarts
15.By this time next year: i will be happily married...ha. funny.
16.I have a hard time understanding: people's opinions. not only do i not give three flying fucks about them...
17.One time at a family gathering: i set off a bomb and killed everyone in the peterson family. ::smiles::
18.Take my advice: People would rather see you sad and depressed then enjoy and sign of you being happy. True story. I read the book. A few times of course.
19.My ideal breakfast is: Pancakes with sausage and eggs and ham and bacon and golden grahams.
20.If you visit my hometown: you might get shot.
21.My friends are: friends? there are no such thing as those.
22.If you spend the night at my house: tilly will spray on your suitcase. and i might touch your private parts. and nanny will wake you up every hour with her walker. and you'll be really hot.
23.I would stop my wedding if: my dad showed up.
24.The world could do without: stds.
25.I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: shit, i HATE roach's. i'd eat shit before I lick a roach. OMG, barf just thinking about it.
26.The most recent thing I've bought myself is: a metrocard. ugh. HATE those things.
27.And, by the way: i just scratched my ass. YAY!
28.The last time I was high: i ate dog food. i think. so i was told. ahh idk?
29.In the past I shouldn't have been: sucha bitch. but things happen.
30.Once, at a bar/club: i keep those horrid things to myself.
31.Last night, I: went to bad at 8:30 pm. i know, im a loser :(
32.If I didn't have any obligations tomorrow: I would sleep ALL day.
33.A better name for me would be: Lala-licious
34.In the last 6 months: My hair has been at an all time high. jealous much. of course
35.If I ever go back to school: fuck school.
36.I bet you didn't know: i can dance on it like a hoe.
37.I am: in love.
38.I read: never.
39.Every birthday: i am a year older.
40.I regret: NOTHING!

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