People say I'm a siddity little rich girl because I like nice things. No! I just like the finer things in life. If I got it, why not flaunt it? There's a difference between being rich and having some money and knowing how to shop. Ignorance is bliss. Have you had your shot of "hate" this morning?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

BET Presents: Harlem Heights (A Pitiful Attempt at Prime Time Television)

Yesterday, after watching BET's Rip the Runway, I decided to check out that new show, Harlem Heights. Needless to say, my initial reaction to the show was exactly what I expected. My opinion and views may be a little biased simply because I feel like BET, the network itself, is horrible! Harlem Heights is a exact replication of The Hills. The only difference is the race and location. Throughout the entire premiere episode I couldn't stop criticizing the irony of this show. 7 or 8 "long-time" friends grow up in Harlem, each of them possessing some sort of "prestigious" trade. BET was already wrong for making Harlem seem like a reputable community. Don't get me wrong, please don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with living in Harlem, and it is definately picking up in so many ways, but don't you think the series would have been SO much more realistic if they showed the "true" Harlem? The commentator of the show is a young black girl who has this GREAT job with these GREAT friends and talks like a straight up white girl. See, I can say that simply because I get the same thing all the time. Now Harlem is suppose to be this artistic and cultural melting pot, but depicting the message from this series: seems a little fabricated. I'm not trying to say its not possible, it very well could be. But c'mon. And how ironic is it that the first episode is showcasing the events of the night of the election. Personally, I feel like BET just dug themselves a ditch and threw their network in it. I mean Baldwin Hills (Laguna Beach) was a flop, College Hill (Real World) was a flop, uhm 106 and Park (TRL) really isn't whats popping these days. I'm actually really sad, because I feel like BET has so much to offer. And I can see the attempt they made with Harlem Heights. These young black entrepreneurs who are doing BIG things with their lives and living in upscale Harlem. NO, not really. Now the characters are what is soooo interesting. And yes, they are characters. I feel like there is absolutely no reality to this show. Trust me, I'm not the only one who feels this way. Making 125th seem like lush uptown village, ehhh..not so much. What really pulled my chain, is when the "gangsta" whose name I can't remember (but is SO SEXYY) was sitting at some restaurant with his like 4 year daughter and she says "I really hope Obama wins". Do 4 year olds really even know what is going on?? And then Daddy G says " Don't let anybody tell you that you can't be whatever you want..blah blah blah..I'm out here hustling because of you. You are the reason I do this"...Go ahead, re-read it. In all actuality he should have said, I don't have a job, and I'm using you as an excuse to stay on the streets. I should have known what type of series this was going to be like this when they walked out of a Scion xB (I believe) when they walked down the red carpet in their commercial or whatever that was. Seriously, people are saddened by BET's attempt. I mean Time Out NY, Essence...the list goes on. All I have to say about BET reality series is:


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