People say I'm a siddity little rich girl because I like nice things. No! I just like the finer things in life. If I got it, why not flaunt it? There's a difference between being rich and having some money and knowing how to shop. Ignorance is bliss. Have you had your shot of "hate" this morning?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hello World, Meet Rupert.

A lot of people can point their finger and talk shit about a grown ass woman having a teddy bear and making a big deal about it..but they must not know how WONDERFUL, GREAT, AMAZING, SUPERB it feels for someone who means the world to you to give you something. To you it may be a teddy bear, to me its a token of someone's love and appreciation and something that I will cherish until the head falls off (kinda on its way out now). So go ahead and hate on me. I don't see your bitch/nigga showing their love. K??? Thankkssss :)

and YES, those are my sexy ass legs ;)

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