People say I'm a siddity little rich girl because I like nice things. No! I just like the finer things in life. If I got it, why not flaunt it? There's a difference between being rich and having some money and knowing how to shop. Ignorance is bliss. Have you had your shot of "hate" this morning?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Monday. In a Nutshell. A Cracked, Dirty, Nasty, Smelly Nutshell.

I already knew how my Monday was going to be. I ALWAYS know how Monday's are...HORRIBLE! And you guessed it, that was JUST how my Monday was. It started out a little sour, but got worse as the day progressed. At around 3:30, I was MAD. REALLY MAD!!! But I was at work so I had to keep my composure. But after a while I said "fuck it" I can't take this crap anymore. I let it all out. And around 5:00, I was in the verge of I did something that not only wasn't allowed, but also could have gotten me in lots of trouble. I left work. I didn't turn the phones off, I didn't even clock out. I was THAT pissed. I needed to get home..AND FAST!!! Anyone and Anything that was in my way was quickly pushed. I couldn't take this crap. So once I finally got on the express bus, my stomach started hurting worse then I could EVER imagine. I never felt a pain such as that one. Mind you.. I still had about an hr to get home. Once I finally got home, I took 3 tylenol's and took the BIGGEST shit of life and layed in my bed ignoring EVERY phone call and text that came my way. I eventually fell asleep with my phone on silent. I woke up at around 10pm, and from there....I sat...and thought..and thought and thought and thought..the next thing you know it was 4:30 am. I had to be up at 6 am. I took advantage of the last few hrs of sleep. In between my thought process..I laughed, I cried, I talked to the one who made me mad, and then...I thought some more. Did I come up with a solution?? No.Today is a new day, do I know how to access the situation? No. So all those long hours of thinking-- was pointless. Just left me right where I was in the beginning. Because my Monday was THIS horrible, Tuesday was soon to follow...EXACTLY the same way. I'm surprised I got to work at a decent time. I was soooooo late. Like REALLY late leaving my house. I'm annoyed, hungry, tired, horny, hot....all of the above. And speaking of hungry-- i find it REALLY fucked up that I leave food in my drawer and when I come back it's gone. I CAN'T, NOT TODAY!!

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